June Board Meeting Summary
Posted on Jun 23rd, 2023

Loire Valley HOA Board is seeking volunteers for the following:
* The LV neighborhood 4th of July activities, especially the Potluck in the green belt. Please contact Blake Miller via email at or text at 619-840-3572
* Board member elections are back. The election will take place this Fall.  An application for nomination is attached to this email.
* Residents are urgently needed for the Landscape Committee to form a 3-5 member committee. The time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours per month and involves a monthly walkthrough of LV and other resident issues. (The application was  attached to the email.)
-Weed whipping should be complete by July 3rd, followed by brow ditch cleanup. An inspection of the work will be conducted upon completion by board members and Therese from CBM
- The water main break on Rougemont Place has been repaired, with cleanup and restoration of plants/grass to be completed asap.
- Revision of the CC&Rs continues with the assistance of an attorney to bring them up to date and in compliance with CA state regulations. The changes will be reviewed by several LV residents who have offered their time to assist the board with this project. Once the CC&R Review Committee has provided feedback, the updated CC&Rs will be presented to the LV community at large for additional input before the final draft is approved.  Thank you to the CC&Rs Review Committee!
- Two new motion sensor lights will be installed in the spa area for additional security.  Estimates for the electrical wiring are currently being gathered. 
- Laminated reminder tags have been attached to the umbrellas in the pool area to remind residents to close the umbrellas before leaving the pool area. Wind-damaged umbrellas have been repaired. Parts for two umbrellas have not been available but will be repaired once the parts are found.
- Mailbox and/or post repairs will begin soon; those in greatest need will take priority.
If you have any questions/comments after reviewing the monthly minutes, please log onto our website, to send an email to the board.
Attachment: Committee Member Application
"Call for Board of Director Nominations" will be sent out on June 23, 2023. 
Thank you,
On Behalf of the Board of Directors