Update: Sinkhole repairs finally scheduled
Posted on Jun 7th, 2017

Sinkhole repairs will begin about June 26 to replace the failed storm drain pipe that caused the sinkhole in our Rue Chantemar greenbelt between Rue Vincennes and Rue Chamberry. KTA Construction, under contract to the City of San Diego, will be doing the work. You may notice surveying stakes and other activity increasing prior to the construction start date.
This job will take approximately six months, finishing just after Christmas. During that time, there will be heavy equipment coming and going in that area, occasionally disrupting traffic on Rue Chantemar. Loire Valley HOA has given KTA permission to store equipment and materials on the greenbelt during construction to minimize the impact on the street.
Of course, the greenbelt itself will be torn up during construction.  KTA will restore the greenbelt after construction. Likewise, they will restore the native vegetation on the slope.
Biologists are required to monitor the project to minimize the effects on endangered wildlife. It is possible that their observations will delay construction if endangered species are discovered nesting there.
The LVHOA attorney and I have been holding, and will continue to hold, bi-weekly status meeting with City Attorney, City Project Manager, and others. I will keep you updated if the situation changes.
The back story (short version)
The sinkhole developed in December 2010 when the corrugated steel drain pipe from the street to the canyon under the greenbelt failed.  Leaking water washed away the soil and the sinkhole formed. The LVHOA filed a claim May 9, 2011 with the City to have it repaired. The City accepted responsibility but did nothing. LVHOA sued the City December 2012 to get it repaired. Subsequently the LVHOA and the City agreed to stay the suit as the City said they would have design and funding in place within six months. As it turned out, the City began the design but did not begin any repairs.
Meanwhile subsequent winter rains deepened and widened the sinkhole as more of the pipe collapsed. Trees continued to fall into the hole and the hole expanded into our greenbelt. The LVHOA complained again to the City citing safety concerns. The City put a fence around the hole but repaired nothing. The fenced area has been expanded three times.
In frustration, the LVHOA reinstated the lawsuit and a trial date was set for April 28, 2017. After depositions, discovery efforts, and many meetings, the City began taking action.  The LVHOA and the City reached a tentative settlement so the trial was taken off the court’s calendar and a formal status meeting was set for December 29, 2017. The City is now, six and half years later, ready to begin repair and restoration. The plan includes replacing the old corrugated steel pipe with reinforced concrete pipe from the street to the canyon.

Gary Whitney
LV resident, Sinkhole Liaison